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EMTA and Market History

"EMTA's Beginnings", Bruce Wolfson (EMTA Director and General Counsel, The Rohatyn Group)

"EMTA's Early Years (1992 and 1993): EMTA Emerges as an Independent Trade Association for the Emerging Markets Trading Industry", Thomas Winslade (EMTA's Executive Director from 1991-93)

"EMTA 1994-98: The Golden Age of EM Debt Trading?", Michael M. Chamberlin (EMTA Executive Director)

"EMTA’s 20th Year—A Look Back to: EMTA 1999 to 2007: The EM Debt Trading and Investment Market Matures and Mainstreams", Michael M. Chamberlin (EMTA Executive Director)

"EMTA 2008-2012—AN OVERVIEW—From Cowboy Market to Safe Haven?", Michael M. Chamberlin (Executive Director)

"EMTA at Work in the FX Space 2008-2012", Leslie Payton Jacobs (Senior Counsel and Managing Director)

"EMTA 2008 to 2012: As the EM Fixed Income Debt Trading and Investment Market Continues to Mature and Mainstream, EMTA’s Role Focuses on New Topics (and a Few Older Ones)", Aviva Werner (General Counsel)

"EMTA 2008-2012 – Promoting the EM Asset Class and Market Transparency", Jonathan R. Murno (Managing Director)