EMTA has upgraded its membership database and event registration. Members will need to reset their password. Click here to learn more.

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Activities and Services

EMTA works to develop an orderly and efficient marketplace, and to facilitate, and increase the liquidity in Emerging Markets trading and investment, through building market resources and infrastructure for the industry. This work includes developing and recognizing Market Practices, undertaking projects to identify, clarify and minimize trading and settlement risks through standardizing documentation (Documentation) and other efforts, promoting consistency between local and international trading standards, increasing international understanding of local markets, as well as working to advance local market initiatives. EMTA also works to build, promote and inspire confidence in the Emerging Markets asset class in part by clarifying and promoting investor rights across all instrument categories. 

In furtherance of these goals, EMTA undertakes a range of activities and provides a number of services to its Members, which include sponsoring a robust annual schedule of informational and educational events by webinar or on location in financial centers around the globe; organizing and managing Working Groups open to the EMTA Membership for the purposes of addressing market disruptions; producing needed industry documentation and meeting infrastructure needs; regular reporting on these various activities and services to the EMTA Membership through the publication of a quarterly Bulletin; producing quarterly Emerging Market debt and CDS trade volume data; providing industry holiday and settlement schedule information; reporting on other product-related information; and providing information on employment opportunities in the industry (Employment). 

Much of EMTA's work is accomplished through the efforts of various Working Groups, which are composed of EMTA Member representatives who collaborate to identify key industry issues, formulate possible solutions and develop market-wide consensus for resolving these issues.

In addition to the above activities and services, EMTA remains committed to providing to its Members relevant and dedicated information on investment trends (Key Industry Views), sovereign debt reschedulings, economic sanctions affecting certain Emerging Markets, creditor rights issues and litigation activities relevant to creditor and debtor disputes, arbitration and many other issues. EMTA publishes this information primarily in the New Developments and Markets areas of this website.  

Many of EMTA’s efforts in helping to integrate the Emerging Markets more fully into the global capital marketplace, are taken in collaboration with other industry associations, including the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA), the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA), the International Capital Market Association (ICMA), the Loan Syndications and Trading Association (LSTA) and Gulf Bond and Sukuk Association (GBSA), as well as with the guidance and support of the Foreign Exchange Committee of the Federal Reserve of New York (the FXC), its legal arm, the Financial Markets Lawyers Group (FMLG) and the Singapore Foreign Exchange Market Committee (SFEMC).