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Special Seminar - Argentina: Averting the Coming Crisis (NYC) - Jan 23 2014

Thursday, January 23, 2014  

360 Madison Avenue, 17th Floor
(on 45th St. between Madison and 5th Aves.)
New York

11:45 a.m. – Registration  

12:00 noon – 1:30 p.m.  

Lunch will be provided  

Joshua Rosner,* who has advised the Argentine business community and public sector in recent years on how the government can best avoid crisis and secure the future, will present a new report, Closing the Gap Between Policy and Public Opinion. His analysis is informed by new research on the public’s perceptions of Argentina’s economy and public policies commissioned by Graham Fisher and conducted by Argentina's leading pollster, Dr. Sergio Berensztein.**  

Dr. Berensztein will present findings from two studies (Argentina's Economic & Political Environment According to Opinion Leaders; and Argentines' Public Attitudes Toward the Economic & Political Environment). He offers a surprising set of new data points on Argentina's comparative political and business environment, including perception of inflation, consumer confidence and approval levels for government management and engagement with international markets and the US business community.  

*Joshua Rosner is Managing Director at research consultancy Graham Fisher & Co. and advises regulators, legislators and policy makers on financial structure and risk issues. He was one of the first to identify the global financial crisis and weaknesses in the structured securities market. He is author of the 2011 report, The Argentine Model Part II: Avoiding Crisis and Securing the Future (http://www.scribd.com/doc/89812109/Rosner-Argentina), and has advised the Argentine business community and public sector on a path toward to achieving sustained economic growth. He's been to B.A. several times participating in conferences and roundtables to discuss the economic advantages to reentering capital markets. He is co-author of the NY Times bestseller, Reckless Endangerment.  

**Sergio Berensztein, Ph.D., is a political scientist and President of Poliarquía Consultores, in Buenos Aires, and Professor and Director of the Masters in Public Policy at Tocuato Di Tella University. Dr. Berensztein was the Andrew Mellon Visiting Professor at Duke University in 2006. He has authored 30 publications on political reform, institutional development, and the political economy of structural reforms in Latin America. He is consulted by major national and international media outlets and has also delivered lectures on the Argentine political situation in more than forty universities and research centers around the world. He serves as an advisor to the United Nations Development Programme and the World Bank.  

Attendance is US$95 for EMTA Members / US$695 for non-members / Credentialed Media Complimentary.  


EMTA Hosts Special Seminar on “Argentina: Averting the Coming Crisis” in NYC

EMTA hosted, at its New York offices, an auspiciously timed meeting on January 23, the first day of the Argentine currency crisis. Presentations were made by Joshua Rosner (Graham Fisher & Co.) and Dr. Sergio Berensztein (a political scientist and President of Poliarquía Consultores).  Mr. Rosner has advised the Argentine business community and public sector in recent years on how the government can best avoid crisis and secure the future, and presented a new report, Closing the Gap Between Policy and Public Opinion, to EMTA’s audience.

His analysis was informed by new research on the public’s perceptions of Argentina’s economy and public policies commissioned by Graham Fisher and conducted by Argentina’s leading pollster, Dr. Sergio Berensztein, who presented his findings from two studies (Argentina’s Economic & Political Environment According to Opinion Leaders; and Argentines’ Public Attitudes Toward the Economic & Political Environment).  Dr. Berensztein offered a surprising set of new data points on Argentina’s comparative political and business environment, including perception of inflation, consumer confidence and approval levels for government management and engagement with international markets and the US business community.

Click Here for Mr. Rosner’s Report and Click Here for Dr. Berensztein’s Presentation Slides.