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EMTA Forum in Buenos Aires - March 21

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Sponsored by
TPCG Group

Sheraton Hotel
Salón Pampa
San Martín 1225/1275
Buenos Aires

4:00 p.m. Registration

4:30 p.m. Panel Discussion

"Challenges and Opportunities for the New Argentina"
Fernando Alvarez de la Viesca (TPCG Group) – Moderator
Carlos Pagni (Political Analyst, Diario de la Nación)
Ricardo Lopez Murphy (FIEL)
Alec Kersman (PIMCO)
David Sekiguchi (QFR Capital Management)

6:00 p.m. Key Note Address 

Luis Caputo
Minister of Finance of the Republic of Argentina  

6:30 p.m. Cocktail Reception 

Additional Support Provided by Thomson Reuters.

Attendance is complimentary for EMTA Members / US$695 for Non-Members / C
losed to the press. 


Argentine Economy Minister Caputo Delivers Keynote at EMTA Forum in Buenos Aires

Argentina’s Finance Minister Luis Caputo delivered a keynote address to EMTA’s Forum in Buenos Aires on Tuesday, March 21, 2017. The event drew a standing-room-only crowd of over 300 market participants and was sponsored by TPCG. Fernando Alvarez de la Viesca (TPCG) served as the event’s moderator.

EMTA has previously hosted a number of Argentina Economy Ministers at its events, starting with Domingo Cavallo in 1992.

The event also featured former Argentine Economy Minister and presidential candidate Ricardo Lopez Murphy, who addressed the official goals for inflation, as well as Argentina’s fiscal accounts and potential economic growth.

Political columnist Carlos Pagni discussed the political outlook for the Macri administration, and assessed the likelihood of its victory in midterm elections. Finally, Alec Kersman (PIMCO) and David Sekiguchi (QFR Capital Management) delivered an investor point of view, discussing relative value, the exchange rate, the potential upgrade of Argentina from frontier to EM indices, and investor demand for new issuance.