EMTA has upgraded its membership database and event registration. Members will need to reset their password. Click here to learn more.

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COVID-19 Event Policy

EMTA looks forward to welcoming you back to its in-person conferences.  Due to the extremely contagious nature of COVID-19, EMTA and its host locations will put in place preventative measures and precautions pursuant to guidelines from the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC), and abide by all local COVID-19 ordinances and regulations.  Such measures may include, among others, requiring “social distancing” to be maintained, the encouraged use of face coverings, or proof of vaccination.

However, please be aware that these measures cannot guarantee that participants in EMTA’s in-person conferences will not become infected with COVID-19.

For the safety of EMTA’s employees and guests, we ask that you not attend an EMTA in-person conference if you have experienced in the last 14 days any symptoms of COVID-19, which include fever, cough, shortness of breath or others as specified by the CDC.