Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Hosted by
One Bryant Park, 2nd Floor Auditorium
(42nd St. and 6th Ave.)
New York City
2:30 p.m. Registration
3:00 p.m. Ratings Panel
Jane Brauer (Bank of America Merrill Lynch) – Moderator
Erich Arispe (Fitch Ratings)
Gabriel Torres (Moody's Investors Service)
Joaquin Cottani (Standard & Poor's)
4:00 p.m. Panel Discussion
Alberto Ades (Bank of America Merrill Lynch) – Moderator
Casey Reckman (Credit Suisse)
Patrick Esteruelas (EMSO)
Hans Humes (Greylock Capital Management)
Javier Kulesz (Jefferies)
Additional Speakers to be Announced.
5:00 p.m. Cocktail Reception
Additional support provided by Credit Suisse and Jefferies.
Registration fee for EMTA Members US$95 / US$695 for non-members.
We regret that this event is not open to the media.
Online registration for this event is now closed. If you wish to register, please contact Suzette Ortiz (sortiz@emta.org).