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Pari Passu

(in chronological order with most recent document appearing first)

EM Ltd. v. Argentina
    SDNY Complaint (Suit by Judgment Creditors Under FAA Bonds for Ratable Payment Relief)

NML Capital and Aurelius Capital v. Argentina
    Motion Papers in Support of Ladjevardian Plaintiffs’ Application for Writ of Execution and Turnover Order
    Stipulation of Dismissal with Prejudice (NML)
    Stipulation of Dismissal with prejudice (Aurelius)
    Memo of Law of Plaintiffs EM Ltd. and Montreux Partners in Support of Argentina’s Motion to Vacate Ratable Payment Injunction
    Supplemental Materials on Behalf of Argentina in Support of Motion to Vacate Ratable Payment Injunction, Including Memo of
       Law and Declarations
    Declaration of Counsel in Further Support of Class Plaintiffs’ Motion to Intervene
    Declaration of NML’s Counsel in Opposition to Lifting of Ratable Payment Injunction
    Declaration of Jay Newman (NML) in Opposition to Lifting of Ratable Payment Injunction
    Supplemental Memo of Law of Holdout Plaintiffs in Opposition to Lifting of Ratable Payment Injunction
    Brief of Bank of New York Mellon, as Indenture Trustee, Seeking Clarification and Direction from the Court Regarding
       Payment of Exchange Bonds
    Brief in Support of Motion to Intervene of the Ladjevardian Group, Opposing Lifting of Ratable Payment Injunction
    Letter Brief of Euro Bondholders in Support of Lifting of Ratable Payment Injunction 
    Client Declaration Filed by “Me Too” Holders of Foreign Law Bonds, Opposing Lifting of Ratable Payment Injunction
    Letter to Griesa from “Me Too” Holders of Foreign Law Bonds, Opposing Lifting of Ratable Payment Injunction
    Order of Griesa Denying Plaintiffs’ Application to Reschedule Hearing 
    Letter to Griesa from Plaintiffs’ Counsel 
    Order of Griesa Setting Hearing and Briefing Schedule
    Letter to Griesa from Argentina’s Counsel 
    Order of the Second Circuit
    Audio Recording of Argument Before the Second Circuit (Argument Begins at 43:40)
    Audio Clip
    Memo of Law of Additional “Me Too” Plaintiffs in Opposition to Argentina’s Application to Remand the “Me Too” Appeal
    Brief to the Second Circuit of “Me Too” Plaintiffs in Opposition to Argentina’s Application for Remand (“Me Too” Appeal)
    Letter to Second Circuit from Argentina’s Counsel (Argentine Law Bond Case)
    Brief of EM Ltd and Montreux Partners in Support of Argentina’s Motion to Remand the “Me Too” Case
    Holdout Plaintiffs’ Reply in Support of Motion to Refer “Me Too” Appeal to the Panel Hearing the Argentine Law Bond Appeal
    Argentina’s Reply in Support of Motion to Remand “Me Too” Appeal
    Argentina’s Reply in Support of Motion to Dismiss Argentine Law Bond Appeal
    Response in Opposition of Holdout Plaintiffs to Argentina’s Application to the Second Circuit to Dismiss the Appeal in the
       Argentina Law Bond Case 
    Response in Opposition of Holdout Plaintiffs to Argentina’s Application to the Second Circuit to Remand the “Me Too” Cases
    Argentina’s Opposition to Plaintiffs’ Application to the Second Circuit to Refer Motion in “Me Too” Appeal to Panel Hearing
       Argentine Law Bond Appeal 
    Letter to the Second Circuit from Argentina’s Counsel Responding to Letter from Plaintiffs’ Counsel (Milberg)
    Plaintiffs’ Emergency Motion to the Second Circuit to Refer Argentina’s Motion in the “Me Too” Appeal to the Panel Hearing the
       Argentine Law Bond Appeal
    Argentina’s Emergency Motion to the Second Circuit to Remand to Enable the District Court to Vacate Injunction (“Me Too” Case) 
    Letter to the Second Circuit from Holdout Plaintiffs Regarding Indicative Ruling (Milberg Clients) 
    Argentina’s Emergency Motion to Dismiss its Second Circuit Appeal (Argentine Law Bond Case) 
    Letter to the Second Circuit from Non-Settling Plaintiffs Regarding Indicative Ruling
    Letter on Behalf of Euro Bondholders in Support of Order to Show Cause
    Indicative Ruling of Griesa on Order to Show Cause
    Memo of Law of Class Plaintiffs in Opposition to Order to Show Cause
    Reply Brief of Settling Plaintiffs in Support of Order to Show Cause
    Supplemental Declaration of Argentina’s Counsel in Support of Order to Show Cause
    Reply Declaration of Argentine Undersecretary of Finance Bausili in Support of Order to Show Cause
    Reply Brief of Argentina in Support of Order to Show Cause
    Letter to Griesa Regarding Adjustment to Briefing Schedule on Argentina’s Order to Show Cause
    Declaration of Kenneth Johns on Behalf of Settling Plaintiffs in support of Argentina's Order to Show Cause
    Declaration of Michael Straus for Settling Plaintiffs in Support of Argentina's Order to Show Cause
    Brief of Settling Plaintiffs in Support of Argentina's Order to Show Cause
    Declaration of Argentina's Counsel in Support of Order to Show Cause
    Declaration of Argentine Undersecretary of Finance Bausili in Support of Order to Show Cause
    Brief of Argentina in Support of Order to Show Cause
    Additional Order to Show Cause, on Argentina's Application, to Lift Ratable Payment injunction Regarding "Me Too" Plaintiffs
    Order to Show Cause, on Argentina's Application, Regarding  Vacating the Ratable Payment Injunction
    Argentina’s Proposal (“Propuesta”)
    Plaintiffs’ Petition for a Writ of Certiorari Regarding the Second Circuit Decision (August 31, 2015) Holding that the BCRA
       was Not an Alter Ego of the Republic
    Transcript of District Court Argument Regarding Discovery from Non-Party Banks
    Transcript of District Court Hearing Regarding Status of Class Actions
    Argentina’s Notice of Appeal from October 30, 2015 “Me Too” Order
    Transcript of Hearing of Plaintiffs’ Motion that Argentina be Deemed to have Waived its Attorney-Client Privilege
    Argentina’s Brief in Opposition to Motion for Order Deeming Argentina to have Waived the Privilege
    District Court Order Granting “Me Too” Motion for Specific Performance and Injunction
    Transcript of Hearing of Plaintiffs' Motion to Extend the Ratable Payment Injunction
    District Court Order Granting Partial Summary Judgment to Additional “Me Too” Plaintiffs
    Order Scheduling Hearing on Plaintiffs’ Motion for an Order Deeming Argentina to have Waived its Privilege
    Plaintiffs’ Memo of Law in Support of Their Motion for an Order Deeming Argentina to have Waived its Privileges
       in Connection with Discovery
    District Court Order Scheduling October 28 Hearing on Plaintiffs’ “Specific Performance” Motion
    Brief in Support of Plaintiffs’ Motion to Compel Discovery from Non-Party Banks with respect to the Sale of Bonar ‘24s
    Second Circuit Affirmance of District Court Order Denying Judgment Creditor a Turnover Order of Funds Held by Bank of New York Mellon
    Transcript of Hearing Before Griesa with respect to Future Steps in Class Action Cases
    Argentina’s Brief in Opposition to Motions in 45 Actions for Specific Performance
    Second Circuit Decision Reversing District Court with respect to Alter Ego and Sovereign Immunity Status of Argentina’s Central Bank
    District Court Order with respect to August 11, 2015 Remand of Class Action Cases from the Second Circuit
    Argentina’s Answer to Amended Complaint of July 20, 2015
    Order Extending Time for Argentina to File Privilege Log, As Ordered in August 13, 2015 District Court Order
    Argentine Central Bank Letter in Opposition to Discovery Sanctions
    NML’s Memo of Law in Support of Motion for Specific Performance (Post-Judgment Cases)
    District Court Order with respect to Motion for Discovery Sanctions
    Transcript of District Court Hearing on Motion for Discovery Sanctions Against Argentina
    Second Circuit Order Vacating and Remanding Judgments in Favor of Eight Plaintiff Classes of Argentine Bondholders
    NML’s Reply Memo of Law in Support of Discovery Sanctions
    Order Setting Hearing on Plaintiffs’ Motion for Discovery Sanctions    
    Second Amended Complaint of NML Capital (as Authorized by July 16, 2015 Order)
    Argentina’s Memo of Law in Opposition to Discovery Sanctions
    Second Amended Complaint of Aurelius Capital (as Authorized by July 16, 2015 Order)
    Order Granting Motion for Leave to Amend Complaints to Obtain a Declaratory Judgment that the BONAR 2024s are
       “External Indebtedness” and to Extend the Ratable Payment Injunction to Them
    Letter on Briefing Schedule for Plaintiffs’ Motion for Discovery Sanctions Against Argentina
    NML’s Memo of Law in Support of its Motion for Discovery Sanctions Against Argentina
    Declaration in Support of Aurelius Capital’s Motion for Leave to Amend Complaints to Obtain a Declaratory Judgment that
       the BONAR 2024s are “External Indebtedness” and to Extend the Ratable Payment Injunction to Them
    Aurelius Capital’s Reply Memo of Law in Support of its Motion for Leave to Amend Complaints to Obtain a Declaratory Judgment
       that the BONAR 2024s are “External Indebtedness” and to Extend the Ratable Payment Injunction to Them 
    District Court Order Granting Partial Summary Judgment to “Me Too’s” on Basis that Argentina Continues to
       Violate the Pari Passu Clause
    Letter from Argentina’s Counsel to the Special Master Appointed by Griesa
    Transcript on “Me Too” Plaintiffs
    Letter to Griesa on Behalf of Euro Bondholders Asking that Pari Passu Relief be Denied to Any Plaintiff Requesting
       Such Relief After a Certain Date
    Aurelius’ Memo of Law in Support of its Motion
    Aurelius’ Notice of Motion for Leave to Amend Complaints to Obtain a Declaratory Judgment that the BONAR 2024s are “External
       Indebtedness" and to Extend the Ratable Payment Injunction to Them
    Plaintiff Aurelius Capital’s “Public Notice to Participants in Argentina’s Offering of Bonar 2024s” 
    Transcript of Hearing Before Griesa 
    Notice of Appeal by Argentina from Order of  March 12, 2015 
    District Court Order Regarding Euroclear
    Letter to Griesa from Counsel to Certain “Me Too” Plaintiffs Suggesting Formation of Creditors’ Committee 
    Stipulation and Order (Agreement Between Plaintiffs and Citibank Argentina)
    Argentina’s Brief in Opposition to “Me Too” Applications 
    Declaration of Argentina’s Counsel with Lists of “Me Too” Cases
    Letter from Citibank's Counsel to Griesa
    District Court Order Denying Citibank’s Application for a Stay
    Further Citibank Letter to Griesa on Stay Application
    Citibank’s District Court Stay Application
    District Court Order (Citibank Application)
    Letter to Griesa from Citibank's Counsel (Citibank Application)
    Transcript of Hearing (Citibank Application)
    Letter to Griesa from Euro Bondholders with Update on English Court Proceedings
    Letter to Griesa from Euro Bondholders Proposing Time Limit on “Me Too” Applicants for Pari Passu Injunctive Relief
    Letter to Griesa from Argentina’s Counsel (Citibank Application)
    Letter to Griesa from Citibank’s Counsel (Citibank Application)
    Memo of Law on Behalf of Citibank
    Declaration of Federico Elewaut (Citibank Argentina)
    Plaintiffs’ Supplemental Memo in Opposition to Citibank’s Application
    Argentina’s Memo of Law in Support of Citibank’s Application Regarding Argentina Law Bonds
    Endorsed Letter Relating to Briefing Schedule for “Me Too” Motions Pending Before Griesa
    District Court Order Authorizing The Clearing House Association to Appear as an Amicus (Citibank Case)
    Stipulation Regarding Discovery from Euroclear
    District Court Order Setting Hearing in Citibank’s Application for March 3, 2015
    Letter from NML’s Counsel Regarding Scheduling of “Me Too” Applications
    Second Circuit Affirmance of Order Authorizing Further Discovery of Argentina
    Letter from Counsel to US “Ratable Payment” Plaintiffs to English Counsel for Euro Bondholders on Participation in English Action
    District Court Order Denying Euro Bondholders’ Motion to Clarify
    Letter from Euro Bondholders on Motion to Clarify
    Scheduling Order (Citibank Case)
    Letter from Euro Bondholders to Griesa Enclosing English High Court Order and Judgment in Knighthead Master Fund
       et al. v. Bank of New York Mellon et al
    Letter from Argentina’s Counsel Regarding “Me Too” Applications
    Argentina’s Notice of Appeal from Contempt Order 
    Amended Order Relating to Special Master
    District Court Order Changing Hearing Date (Argentine Law Bonds)
    District Court Scheduling Order (Argentine Law Bonds)
    Second Circuit Order Dismissing Appeal from Griesa’s Order that BONY has no Liability to Argentina
       or Exchange Bondholders
    Citibank’s Letter on Hearing Schedule (Argentine Law Bonds)
    Amended and Supplemental Order of Contempt
    Order, Sought by JPMorganChase, on Payment of USD Argentine Law Bonds
    Order of Contempt
    Plaintiffs’ Reply Brief in Support of Contempt
    Transcript on Plaintiffs’ Contempt Motion
    Argentina’s Brief in Opposition to Contempt
    Order on Payment of Argentine Law Bonds
    Transcript (Argentine Law Bond Issue)
    Declaration of Ronald Mann (Payment Systems Expert) in Support of Plaintiffs’ Opposition to Citibank’s
      Order to Show Cause (Argentine Law Bonds
    Plaintiffs’ Brief in Opposition to Citibank’s Order to Show Cause (Argentine Law Bonds)
    Plaintiffs’ Brief in Support of Contempt Sanction
    Order to Show Cause, on Plaintiffs’ Application, Why Argentina Should not be Held in Contempt
    Argentina’s Brief in Support of Citibank’s Motion (Argentine Law Bonds)
    Citibank’s District Court Declaration in Support of Order to Show Cause (Argentine Law Bonds)
    Citibank’s Order to Show Cause in the District Court (Argentine Law Bonds)
    Citibank’s District Court Brief in Support of Order to Show Cause (Argentine Law Bonds)
    Transcript of Ex Parte Hearing Sought by Citibank on Argentine Law Bonds
    Second Circuit Order Dismissing Appeal for Lack of Jurisdiction (Citibank Appeal)
    Second Circuit Oral Argument Audiotape (Citibank Appeal)
    Letter to Second Circuit from NML’s Counsel Addressing Further Authority (Citibank Appeal)
    Letter to Second Circuit on Behalf of Citibank Addressing Additional Authority (Citibank Appeal)
    Citibank’s Letter to the Second Circuit Attaching Transcript of September 10 Hearing
    Transcript of Hearing (Discovery by Plaintiffs from Citibank on USD Argentine Law Bonds)
    Argentina’s Second Circuit Reply Brief (Citibank Appeal)
    Citibank’s Second Circuit Reply Brief (Citibank Appeal)
    Aurelius’ Second Circuit Brief (Citibank Appeal)
    NML’s Second Circuit Brief (Citibank Appeal)
    Argentina’s Notice of Appeal on Requiring BONY to Retain Funds Transferred by Argentina on June 26
    Argentina’s Notice of Appeal on Enjoining Payment of USD-Denominated Argentine Law Bonds
    Notice of Second Circuit Hearing Date and Time (Citibank Case)
    Hearing Transcript
    Griesa Order Scheduling Hearing (August 21)
    Letter to Griesa from Plaintiffs’ Counsel, with Exhibits (Including Translation of Proposed Argentine Statute)
    Second Circuit Scheduling Order (Argentina’s Appeal from June 20 Order)
    Argentina’s Second Circuit Brief (Citibank Appeal)
    Citibank’s Second Circuit Brief (Citibank Appeal)
    Eurobondholders’ Notice of Appeal on Order Regarding Payment by BONY
    Second Circuit Order Granting Expedited Appeal (Citibank Appeal Regarding US$-Denominated Argentine Law Bonds)
    Transcript of Hearing
    Letter from NML’s Counsel on August 8 Hearing
    Order Scheduling Hearing for August 8
    Order on Funds Held by BONY
    Letter from BONY's Counsel Regarding Proposed Order
    Further Order on Payment of Dollar-Denominated Argentine Law Bonds
    Griesa Order Confirming Continued Appointment of Special Master
    Further Order on Argentine Law Bonds
    Transcript of Hearing
    Declaration in Support of Eurobondholders’ Emergency Motion for Stay
    Eurobondholders’ Brief in Support of Emergency Motion for Stay
    Eurobondholders’ Emergency Motion for Stay
    Order Regarding Payment of Argentine Law Bonds
    Letter from Plaintiffs’ Counsel Regarding Argentine Law Bonds 
    Letter from Argentina’s Counsel Regarding USD-Denominated Argentine Law Bonds
    Letter from Citibank’s Counsel Regarding Argentine Law Bonds
    Transcript of Hearing
    Argentina Memo in Support of Motion for Clarification
    Declaration in Support of Motion for Clarification
    Reply Declaration in Further Support of Motion for Clarification    
    BONY Reply Memo in Support of Motion for Clarification
    Eurobondholders’ Reply Memo in Support of Motion for Clarification
    Euroclear Reply Memo in Support of Motion for Clarification
    Clearstream Reply Memo in Support of Motion for Clarification
    Reply Declaration in Further Support of Motion for Clarification
    Plaintiffs’ Brief in Opposition to Eurobondholders’ Motion
    Citibank’s Brief in Opposition to Reconsideration
    Griesa Order Scheduling Hearing for July 22
    Letter from Plaintiffs' Counsel Objecting to Eurobondholders' "Corrected" Brief
    Eurobondholders’ Memo of Law
    Eurobondholders’ Counsel Letter Regarding Revised Schedule
    Plaintiffs’ Motion for Reconsideration of Citibank’s Motion Regarding Argentine Law Bonds
    Plaintiffs’ Brief in Support of its Motion for Reconsideration of Citibank’s Motion Regarding Argentine Law Bonds
    Plaintiffs’ Memo in Partial Opposition to Euroclear and Clearstream Motions for Clarification that They May Pay Argentine Law Bonds  
    BONY Declaration in Support of Motion for Clarification
    BONY Memo in Support of Motion for Clarification
    BONY Motion for Clarification
    BONY Response to Eurobondholders’ Motion
    JPMorgan Chase’s Letter Application for Guidance with respect to Payment of Yen-Denominated Exchange Bonds
    Euroclear’s Declaration in Support of Motion Seeking Clarification that English Law Exchange Bonds can be Paid
    Euroclear’s Memo Seeking Clarification that English Law Exchange Bonds can be Paid
    Letter to Griesa from Euroclear’s Counsel Regarding Scheduling
    Letter to Griesa from BONY's Counsel Relating to Scheduling
    Clearstream’s Declaration in Support of Application Clarifying that Argentine Law Bonds can be Paid
    Clearstream’s Memo of Law in Support of Application Clarifying that Argentine Law Bonds can be Paid
    Clearstream’s Notice of Motion in Support of Application Clarifying that Argentine Law Bonds can be Paid
    Letter to Griesa from Eurobondholders’ Counsel Regarding Motion Schedule and BONY’s Application for Clarification
    Eurobondholders’ Counsel Letter on Briefing Schedule
    Euroclear Memo of Law on Payment of Argentine Law Bonds
    Euroclear Declaration in Support of Motion for Clarification on Payment of Argentine Law Bonds
    Euroclear’s Counsel Letter on Payment on the Argentine Law Exchange Bonds
    BONY’s Counsel Letter on Return of Funding for Exchange Bondholder’s Interest Payment
    Griesa Order on Payment on Argentine Law Exchange Bonds
    Declaration of Eurobondholders’ Counsel in Support of Motion for Clarification
    Letter of Eurobondholders’ Counsel on Motion for Clarification
    Eurobondholders’ Memo of Law in Support of Motion for Clarification
    Eurobondholders’ Motion for Clarification
    Transcript (June 27, 2014)
    Declaration of EML's Counsel in Support of Application for Contempt Order
    Griesa Order Denying Argentina's Application for Stay
    Order of Griesa Denying Argentina's Application for a Stay 
    Reply Letter from Plaintiffs’ Counsel
    Argentine Counsel Letter to Griesa
    Griesa Order Appointing Special Master
    Griesa Order Prohibiting Exchange of Debt into Argentine Law
    Memo of Law in Support of Citibank’s Renewed Motion for Clarification or Modification
    Notice of Denial of Cert
    Supreme Court Denial of Argentina’s Cert Petition
    Supreme Court Decision (Discovery Case)
    Argentina Reply Brief
    Aurelius Brief
    Varela Brief
    NML Capital Brief 
    NML Capital, Ltd. and Olifant Fund, Ltd. Brief
    Transcript of Supreme Court Argument (Discovery Case)
    Exchange Bondholders' Petition for Writ of Cert
    Argentina's Petition for Writ of Cert to the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit    
    Plaintiffs' Supplemental Brief in Response to Solicitor General's Statement Supporting Cert (Discovery Case)    
    Argentina’s Supplemental Brief Filed in the Supreme Court (Discovery Case)
    Order Denying Argentina’s Petition for a Rehearing En Banc (Corrected Order)
    Order Denying Exchange Bondholders' Petition for Rehearing En Banc (Corrected Order)
    Order Denying Fintech's Petition for a Rehearing En Banc (Corrected Order)
    Order Denying Argentina’s Petition for a Rehearing En Banc
    Order Denying Exchange Bondholders' Petition for Rehearing En Banc
    Order Denying Fintech's Petition for a Rehearing En Banc
    Opposition to Motion to Vacate the Stay: Argentina and Euro Bondholders
    NML’s Motion to Vacate Stay
    Anti-Evasion Injunction Opinion and Order
    Argentina's Reply Brief for Writ of Cert
    Fintech's Petition for Rehearing
    Exchange Bondholders’ Petition for Rehearing 
    Argentina’s Petition for Rehearing 
    Brief in Opposition to Argentina’s Writ of Cert
    Second Circuit Decision 
    Euro Bondholder’s Letter to Court of Appeals Regarding Brussels Case 
    Argentina's Petition for Writ of Certiorari to the United States Supreme Court
    Appellees’ Letter
    Euro Bondholders’ Letter
    Order Denying Duane Morris Bondholders’ Filing of Amicus
    Argentina’s Opposition to Duane Morris Bondholders’ Filing Amicus
    Fintech’s Opposition to Duane Morris Bondholders’ Filing Amicus
    Euro Bondholders’ Opposition to Duane Morris Bondholders’ Filing Amicus
    Exchange Bondholders’ Opposition to Duane Morris Bondholders’ Filing Amicus    
    Plaintiffs' Opposition to Duane Morris Bondholders’ Filing Amicus
    Duane Morris Bondholders’ Amicus Motion
    Plaintiffs’ Response to Argentina’s Payment Plan
    Court of Appeals Order Requiring Plaintiffs’ Response to Argentina’s Payment Plan
    Argentina Letter Re: Payment Plan
    Court of Appeals Order Denying Argentina's Petition for Rehearing En Banc
    Court of Appeals Order Requesting Argentina to Provide Info
    Court of Appeals Order Denying Argentina’s Petition for Panel Rehearing
    Audio Recording of Second Circuit Argument
    Exchange Bondholders' Letter to Court of Appeals
    NML Capital Letter to Court of Appeals
    Fintech Letter to Court of Appeals
    Revised Notice of Hearing Date from Court of Appeals
    BONY Letter to Court Of Appeals
    Court of Appeals Order Granting US Leave to File Amicus
    BONY Reply Brief
    Fintech Reply Brief
    Exchange Bondholders’ Reply Brief
    Argentina Reply Brief 
    Notice of Hearing Date from the Court of Appeals
    NML Brief
    Plaintiffs' Brief
    Court of Appeals Order
    Plaintiffs' Opposition to the Exchange Bondholders' Motion to Certify Appeal
    Euro Bondholders' Brief Opposing Injunction
    Ice Canyon Brief Regarding Injunction and GDPs
    Argentina’s Counsel Brief to Quash Plaintiffs' Subpoena and Oppose Plaintiffs’ Motion to Compel
    Argentina Brief Opposing Injunction
    Exchange Bondholders’ Reply to Stay of Discovery
    Court of Appeals Granting Ice Canyon Leave to Appear
    Exchange Bondholders’ Motion to Certify Appeal
    Plaintiffs' Opposition to Exchange Bondholders’ Motion for a Discovery Stay
    Argentina’s Brief in Support of Motion to Compel Compliance with Subpoenas on Intervening Bondholders  
    Exchange Bondholders’ Motion to Enforce Stay
    Ice Canyon Motion to Intervene
    1/4/13 Amicus Deadline    
    Motion to Compel
    Court of Appeals Order Granting Consolidation
    US Treasury’s Motion to File Amicus
    Exchange Bondholders’ Motion to Consolidate
    Argentina's Opposition to Modify Briefing Schedule
    Fintech Notice of Appeal
    Court of Appeals Order Granting Euro Bonders Leave to Appear
    Court of Appeals Order Granting BONY Leave to Appear
    Euro Bondholder Motion to Intervene
    Court of Appeals Denying Motion to Modify Stay
    Exchange Bondholders’ Opposition to Modify the Stay
    BONY's Motion to Appear
    Argentina’s Opposition to Modify the Stay
    Plaintiffs’ Emergency Motion to Modify the Stay to Post Security
    2nd Circuit Stay
    Plaintiffs’ Counsel Letter
    Emergency Motion of Exchange Bondholders for Stay
    Emergency Motion of Exchange Bondholders as Interested Parties
    Exchange Bondholders’ Notice of Appeal
    Arg’s Counsel Letter
    Order Denying Exchange Bondholders as Interested Parties
    Order Denying Exchange Bondholders' Motion to Vacate Injunction
    Emergency Motion of Arg for Stay
    Emergency Motion for Stay
    Motion to Intervene
    O'Shea Declaration
    Choi Declaration
    Plaintiff Reply Brief
    Clearing House
    11/21/12 Opinion
    11/21/12 Order
    11/21/12 Stay
    Argentina Brief
    Exchange Bondholder Brief
    Eggers Declaration
    Binnie Declaration
    Choi Declaration
    Koenigsberger Declaration
    Plaintiff Brief
    Petition for Rehearing
    Cleary Letter
    Dechert Letter
    10/26/12 Opinion
    Argentina Reply Brief
    NML Brief
    Aurelius Brief
    Argentina Brief
    3/5/12 Order
    2/23/12 Order
    Amicus Briefs
    Clearing House
    Italian Bondholders
    Former Federal Judges
    Individual Bondholder Judgment Creditors
    Agudas Chasidei Chabad of United States
    Hispanic American Center for Economic Research
    Judicial Crisis Network
    Judicial Education Project and Professors of Law
    National Association of Manufacturers
    Professors Lester Brickman and Richard Esenberg and the Center for the Rule of Law
    Aurelius Entities
    Additional Family Members of Victims of Terrorism
    Competitive Enterprise Institute and Former State Department Officials
    Family Members and Estates of Victims of Terrorism
    Montreux Partners
    South Carolina and 20 other States
    Caja de Valores
    Euro Bondholders
    Joseph Stiglitz
    Jubilee USA Network
    Sociedad de Bolsa
    Puente Hermanos, Sociedad de Bolsa and Argentine American Chamber of Commerce  
    Solicitor General (March 2014)
    Solicitor General (December 2013) 
    Washington Legal Foundation
    Italian Bondholders 
    Montreux Partners and Wilton Capital
    Ronald Mann and EM Ltd.
    Puente Hermanos
    Anne Krueger
    Prof. Dam
    Duane Morris Plaintiffs
    Euroclear Bank
    Clearing House
    American Bankers Association
    Bank of New York Mellon
    Exchange Bondholders
    Clearing House
    Federal Reserve Bank of New York
    Bank of New York Mellon
    Duane Morris Plaintiffs
    Prof. Mann and EM Ltd.
    Argentine Law Professors
    Prof. Dam
    Montreux Partners and Wilton Capital
    Clearing House 

Appelstein v. Buenos Aires  

Aurelius Capital Partners v. Argentina
    Aurelius Capital Partners v. Argentina (Plaintiff Reply Memorandum)
    Aurelius Capital Partners v. Argentina (Defendant Memorandum)
    Aurelius Capital Partners v. Argentina (Plaintiff Memorandum)
    Aurelius Capital Partners v. Argentina (Amended Complaint)

Capital Ventures International v. Argentina
    Capital Ventures International v. Argentina

Elliott Associates v. Peru 
    Elliott Associates v. Peru  
    Elliott Associates v. Peru  
    Elliott Associates v. Peru  
    Elliott Associates v. Peru  
    Elliott Associates v. Peru  
    Elliott Associates v. Peru  

EM Ltd., Macrotecnic Corp. and NML Ltd. v. Argentina

Export-Import Bank of China v. Grenada
    Grenada Reply Memo of Law
    GMO and Greylock Motion to Intervene
    Exim Memo of Law

Greylock v. Mendoza
    Greylock v. Mendoza    
    Greylock v. Mendoza

LNC Investments v. Nicaragua and Euroclear 
    LNC Investments v. Nicaragua and Euroclear    
    LNC Investments v. Nicaragua and Euroclear (Unofficial Translation)
    LNC Investments v. Nicaragua and Euroclear  

Macrotecnic Corp. and EM Ltd. v. Argentina 
    Macrotecnic Corp. and EM Ltd. v. Argentina  
    Macrotecnic Corp. and EM Ltd. v. Argentina
    Macrotecnic Corp. and EM Ltd. v. Argentina  
    Macrotecnic Corp. and EM Ltd. v. Argentina  
    Macrotecnic Corp. and EM Ltd. v. Argentina   

Nicaragua v. LNC Investments and Euroclear 
    Nicaragua v. LNC Investments and Euroclear
    Nicaragua v. LNC Investments and Euroclear  
    Nicaragua v. LNC Investments and Euroclear (Unofficial Translation)

NML Capital v. Argentina
    Order and Transcript
    NML Capital v. Argentina
    NML Capital v. Argentina
    NML Capital v. Argentina
    NML Capital v. Argentina

Rabbi Jacob Joseph School v. Mendoza
    Rabbi Jacob Joseph School v. Mendoza
    Rabbi Jacob Joseph School v. Mendoza
    Rabbi Jacob Joseph School v. Mendoza

Trinity Investments Limited v. Argentina

Various Retail Bondholders v. Argentina
    Various Retail Bondholders v. Argentina
    Various Retail Bondholders v. Argentina

“Don’t Cry for Me Argentine Bondholders: Argentina and Exchange Bondholders File Certiorari Petitions.”  Shearman & Sterling. 

"Don’t Cry for Me Argentine Bondholders: Avoiding Supreme (Court) Confusion." Shearman & Sterling.

"Don't Cry for Me Argentine Bondholders: The Second Circuit Rules." Shearman & Sterling.

"Second Circuit Rules Against Argentina, Grants Stay for Certiorari Petition." Bingham McCutchen.

"Don't Cry for Me Argentine Bondholders: Argentina Seeks Supreme Court Review." Shearman & Sterling.

"Don’t Cry for Me Argentine Bondholders: Plaintiffs Reject Argentina’s Proposal." Shearman & Sterling.

"Don’t Cry for Me Argentine Bondholders: Argentina Responds to the Second Circuit’s Inquiry." Shearman & Sterling.

"Don’t Cry for Me Argentine Bondholders: Second Circuit Requests a Payment Proposal." Shearman & Sterling.

"Don’t Cry for Me Argentine Bondholders: Important Argument in the Second Circuit." Shearman & Sterling.

"Don’t Cry for Me Argentine Bondholders: Second Circuit Briefing Concludes." Shearman & Sterling.

"The Problem of Holdout Creditors in Eurozone Sovereign Debt Restructurings." by Lee C. Buchheit, G. Mitu Gulati and Ignacio Tirado (Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton/UCLA Law School/Universidad Autónoma de Madrid).

"Contract Hope and Sovereign Redemption." by Anna Gelpern (American University).

"Second Circuit Adheres Strictly to the Rules of Contract in Sovereign Debt Restructurings." Greenberg Traurig.

"Don’t Cry for Me Argentine Bondholders: Update of Second Circuit Briefing." Shearman & Sterling.

"Euro Area Member States Take Collective Action to Facilitate Sovereign Debt Restructuring." Clifford Chance.

"Sovereign Pari Passu Clauses: Don't Cry for Argentina - Yet." Clifford Chance.

"The Pari Passu Clause and the Argentine Case." Allen & Overy.   

"Guest Post: Time to Ratchet Up the Pressure on Argentina." by James K. Glassman (Financial Times).

"Argentina - Implications for the Marketplace?" by Michael M. Chamberlin.

"Don’t Cry for Me Argentine Bondholders: the Second Circuit Stays Everything." Shearman & Sterling.

"Don’t Cry for Me Argentine Bondholders: Judge Griesa Gives Plaintiffs TOTAL Victory." Shearman & Sterling.

"Argentina: Overview of Recent Court Filings." by Di Fu and Casey Reckman (Credit Suisse).

"Argentina: Tamed by the US Courts? The CDS Consequences." Shearman & Sterling.

"Don't Cry for Me Argentine Bondholders: Update." Shearman & Sterling. 

"Don't Cry for Me Argentine Bondholders: Breaking News." Shearman & Sterling.

"Don't Cry for Me Argentine Bondholders: Update." Shearman & Sterling. 

"Pari Passu Endgames." by Anna Gelpern (American University).

"Don't Cry for Me Argentine Bondholders: the Second Circuit Decides NML Capital v. Argentina." Shearman & Sterling.

"Pari Passu and the Ecuador 15s." by Joe Kogan (Barclays Capital). 

"The Pari Passu Clause -- What is Fair Treatment?" by Michael M. Chamberlin.

"The Pari Passu Clause in Sovereign Debt Instruments." by Lee C. Buchheit and Jeremiah S. Pam (Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton).

"Pari Passu Clauses - What Do They Mean?" by Philip R. Wood (Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law).

"Sovereign Piracy." by G. Mitu Gulati and Kenneth N. Klee (UCLA Law School).

“The Awesome Pari Passu Hearing.” by Anna Gelpern (American University).

"Analysis of the Role, Use and Meaning of Pari Passu Clauses in Sovereign Debt Obligations as a Matter of English Law." Financial Markets Law Committee.