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EMTA Events

"Emerging Markets: EMTA Feedback." [EMTA Summer Forum] June 29, 2009 - Charles Robertson (ING Wholesale Banking).

"Nigeria: Main Findings from the EMTA Conference in London." November 10, 2006 - Stephen Bailey-Smith and Francis Beddington (Standard Bank).

''EMTA Summer Forum Notes.'' July 11, 2006 - Will Oswald (JP Morgan).

"The Winter of Our Contentedness: EM Views in the EMTA London Forum." March 1, 2006 - Arnab Das (Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein).

"EMTA Summer Forum: In the Eye of the Bull." July 7, 2005 - Tulio P. Vera (Merrill Lynch).

"Beware the Conventional Wisdom about the Market Outlook." June 25, 2003 - Larry Brainard (WestLB). Commentary on EMTA's 2003 Summer Forum in London.

"Using Clauses to Reform the Process for Sovereign Debt Workouts: Progress and Next Steps." December 5, 2002 - John B. Taylor (Under Secretary of Treasury for International Affairs) (Remarks Delivered at the EMTA Annual Meeting).

''Summary of Views from the EMTA Forum.'' June 27, 2002 - Richard Segal (Exotix Limited).

2002 EMTA Spring Forum - Opening Remarks by EMTA Executive Director Michael Chamberlin.

Igor Kostikov, Chairman of the Russian Federal Commission for the Securities Markets, Speaks at Special EMTA Meeting - February 4, 2002.

2001 EMTA Annual Meeting - Presentation by Mexico’s Finance Minister Gil Diaz.

2001 EMTA Annual Meeting - Transcript of Buy-Side Panel.

2001 EMTA Annual Meeting - Transcript of Sell-Side Panel.

2001 EMTA Annual Meeting - Transcript of Remarks by EMTA Executive Director Michael Chamberlin.

2001 EMTA Summer Forum - Transcript of Sell-Side Panel. 

2001 EMTA Summer Forum - Transcript of Buy-Side Panel.

2001 EMTA Spring Forum - Transcript of Panel.

2000 EMTA Annual Meeting - Transcript of Sell-Side Panel.

2000 EMTA Annual Meeting - Transcript of Buy-Side Panel.

2000 EMTA Annual Meeting - Transcript of Remarks made by Arminio Fraga, President of the Central Bank of Brazil, and Daniel Marx, Secretary of Finance, Republic of Argentina.

2000 EMTA Annual Meeting - Transcript of Remarks made by EMTA Executive Director Michael Chamberlin.

Timothy Geithner, Under Secretary for International Affairs at the US Treasury, Addresses EMTA/SIA Meeting - October 23, 2000

2000 EMTA Summer Forum - Transcript of Buy-Side Panel.

2000 EMTA Summer Forum - Transcript of Sell-Side Panel.

Igor Kostikov, Chairman of the Russian Federal Commission for the Securities Markets, Speaks at Special EMTA Meeting - June 22, 2000