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KIV: Africa

"Africa needs a bond market." August 9, 2010 – Jan Dehn (Ashmore Investment Management). 

"Africa Regional Overview: Return of Frontier Markets." October 6, 2009 - Razia Khan, Regional Head of Research, Africa (Standard Chartered Bank).  

"Time is Right for Bringing Bonds into Africa." May 15, 2007 - Jerome Booth (Ashmore Investment Management). 

"Nigeria: Opportunities in Domestic Debt Market." November 21, 2006 - Linan Liu and Jacqueline Madu (Credit Suisse). 

"Nigeria: Main Findings from the EMTA Conference in London." November 10, 2006 - Stephen Bailey-Smith and Francis Beddington (Standard Bank). 

"Cote d'Ivoire: If Peace Holds What Happens Next?" March 31, 2006 - Francis Beddington (Standard Bank). 

"Out of Africa." December 31, 2005 - Jay Newman (Elliott Management Corporation). Reprinted from The Wall Street Journal © 2005 Dow Jones & Company. All rights reserved. 

"Africa: The Next Frontier." December 15, 2005 - Walter Molano (BCP Securities). 

"Nigeria: Update of Paris Club Debt Agreement." July 6, 2005 - Tim Ash (Bear Stearns). 

"The Paris Club Owes Nigeria a Fair Deal." June 27, 2005 - Lex Rieffel (The Brookings Institution). 

"Nigeria: Waiting It out on the Oil Warrants." January 20, 2005 - Alex Garrard (UBS).