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KIV: Argentina

"Sovereign Debt Restructuring After Argentina." April 25, 2017 - Arturo C. Porzecanski, (American University).

"What a New Argentina Could do for Brazil." August 20, 2015 - Arturo Porzecanski (American University).

"The Origins of Argentina’s Litigation and Arbitration Saga, 2002-2016." January 2017 - Arturo Porzecanski (American University).

"Argentina is in Checkmate and Must Negotiate a Way Out." March 27, 2015 - Arturo Porzecanski (American University).

"Modifications to Sovereign Bond Contracts FAQ: Aggregate CACs and Modified Pari Passu Clause Do Not Materially Affect Sovereign Creditworthiness." March 17, 2015 - Elena Duggar (Moody’s Investors Services).

"Argentina: The Coming Storm." August 1, 2014 - Joshua Rosner (GrahamFisher).

"CFK Announces a Double Edge Exchange." August 27, 2013 – Guillermo Mondino and Jeff Williams (Citi).

"Argentina Economic Update." August 27, 2013 – Alberto J. Bernal-Leon (Bulltick Capital Markets).

"Argentina: US Appeals Court Shows No Sympathy." August 23, 2013 – Rafael de la Fuente and Thiago Carlos (UBS Investment Bank).

"Why Argentina’s Behaviour Must Not Be Allowed to Stand." April 2, 2013 - Hans Humes and Diego Ferro (Greylock Capital Management).

"Dear Prudence." March 1, 2013 by Rozanski, Guana, Baldi and Lisanti (Banco Mariva).

"Ahead of the Hearing: What to Expect When you are Expecting" - February 22, 2013 by Rozanski, Guana, Baldi and Lisanti (Banco Mariva).

“EMTA Meeting on Argentina Pari Passu Case.” January 7, 2013 - Jane Brauer and Flavio de Andrade (Bank of America Merrill Lynch).

"Argentina: Overview of Recent Court Filings." November 20, 2012 - Di Fu and Casey Reckman (Credit Suisse).

“GDP Warrants –What Are My Chances?” dated April 20, 2012 by Juan P. Semmoloni (Banco Mariva).

"Argentina Could Halt Capital Flight Easily." January 20, 2012 - Center for Financial Stability.

“Should Argentina Be Welcomed Back by Investors?” July–September 2011 - Arturo Porzecanski (World Economics).

"Weak Legal Protection in GDP Warrants." April 30, 2009 - Joe Kogan (Barclays Capital).

"Argentina: Will Cristina Appease Investors?" October 26, 2007 - Gustavo Canonero, Drausio Giacomelli, Hongtao Jiang and Geraint Jones (Deutsche Bank).

"Argentina: Latest Court Developments." February 8, 2007 - Guillermo Mondino (Lehman Brothers).

"Sovereign Debt Default: Cry for the United States, not Argentina." September 2006 - Hal S. Scott (Harvard Law School, published by Washington Legal Foundation).

"Argentina: Quasi-Par Bonds Start Trading Today." June 2, 2006 - Igor Arsenin, Paul Fage, Donato Guarino, Linan Liu and Carola Sandy (Credit Suisse).

"Inside Argentina's Financial Crises." March 2006 - (Euromoney).

"Bondholder Litigation Against Argentina Grows." February 22, 2006 - Pablo Morra (Goldman Sachs).

"Outlook for 2006." December 13, 2005 - Michael Gavin, Catherine Agnelli, Javier Kulesz, Victoria Wernick and David Treiger (UBS).

"Argentina: What the Cabinet Reshuffle Says." November 29, 2005 - Pablo A. Goldberg (Merrill Lynch).

"Argentina: Lavagna's Replacement Does Not Change Economic Policy Orientation." November 29, 2005 - Vladimir Werning (JP Morgan).

"From Rogue Creditors to Rogue Debtors: Implications of Argentina's Default." Summer 2005 - Arturo Porzecanski (Posted with the Permission of the Chicago Journal of International Law).

"Argentina Debt Restructuring: Belgian Legal Reform Limits the Options of Holdouts." February 24, 2005 - Vladimir Werning (JP Morgan).

"Argentina: Developments in Lawsuits of Holdout Creditors vs. Mendoza Province." February 10, 2005 - Vladimir Werning (JP Morgan).

“An Injunction to Halt Exit Consent Abuses.” November 1, 2004 - Daniel C. Tillotson (Wachovia Securities).

"Argentina - What is Fairness." October 26, 2004 - Daniel C. Tillotson (Wachovia Securities).

“Argentina’s Sovereign Debt Restructuring.” October 19, 2004 - J. F. Hornbeck (Congressional Research Service Report for Congress).

"Argentina Road Map of the Restructuring: What to Look for at Each Stage of the Process." October 7, 2004 - Vladimir Werning (JP Morgan).

"Argentina: Does the Province of Mendoza Deal Matter for the Sovereign?" September 30, 2004 - Andres Lederman (Citigroup).

"Argentina: Is a Debt Deal Imminent?" September 24, 2004 - Andres Lederman (Citigroup).

"Argentina: Investor's Prisoners Dilemma." September 2, 2004 - Pablo Goldberg (Merrill Lynch).

"Lavagna's Comments on Argentina's Debt Restructuring." September 2, 2004 - Marc Balston and David Sekiguchi (Deutsche Bank).

"Argentina: The Debt Saga at a Crossroads." August 27, 2004 - Pablo Morra (Goldman Sachs).

"The Making of Argentina's Restructuring Trade: A Self-Fulfilling Deal?" April 16, 2004 - Martin Anidjar and Leland Wei (Morgan Stanley).

"Argentina Debt Outlook: Light at the End of the Restructuring Tunnel?" April 8, 2004. Marc Balston, Gustavo Canonero and Piero Ghezzi (Deutsche Bank).

"Statement to the Senate Banking Subcommittee on International Trade and Finance Hearing on the Argentine Financial Crisis." March 10, 2004 - Michael Mussa (Institute of International Economics).

"Has Argentina Found a True Amicus?" January 15, 2004 - Guillermo Mondino, Esteban Fernandez Medrano and Luciano Laspina (Latin Source).

"Argentina's Dubai Proposal: Worse Than Already Lowered Expectations." September 23, 2003 - Filippo Nencioni, Lacey Gallagher, Igor Arsenin, Paul Fage, Linan Liu and Carola Sandy (Credit Suisse First Boston).

"Argentina: Impact of Recent Legal Decisions." September 16, 2003 - Andres Lederman (Citigroup).

"The Latin Economic Outlook for 2003-2004." December 4, 2002 - Thomas Trebat (Salomon Smith Barney).

"Argentina: The Implications of the Terms Set by the World Bank for the Reimbursement of the Guarantee." October 30, 2002 - Martin Anidjar (J.P. Morgan).

"Latin Local Markets: Why Bother?" Third Quarter 2002 - Karim Abdel-Motaal (Morgan Stanley).

"Emerging Markets and the Global Economy in the Year Ahead." January 10, 2002 - Jose Luis Daza and Leonardo Leiderman (Deutsche Bank

"2002: The Year Ahead." December 4, 2001 - Tulio P. Vera (Merrill Lynch).

"Please, Engage Brains." November 21, 2001 - Walter Molano (BCP Securities).

"ARS NDFs: How Realistic A Scenario Is Dollarization?" October 2, 2001 - Martin Anidjar (J.P. Morgan).

"Argentina: A Huge Leap for Congress is a Small Step on the Difficult Path to Debt Sustainability." August 1, 2001 - Joyce Chang and Eva Sanchez (J.P. Morgan).

"Auto da Fe." July 25, 2001 - Walter Molano (BCP Securities).

"Is the Tango Contagious." July 19, 2001 - Leonardo Leiderman, Marcel Cassard and Michael Spencer (Deutsche Bank).

"Argentina - Update on Our View." July 12, 2001 - Carl Ross, Paris Karasso, Franco Uccelli and William Heck (Bear Stearns).

"An Open Letter to the Markets." April 22, 2001 - Domingo F. Cavallo (Minister of the Economy, Republic of Argentina).

"Having His Cake and Eating It Too." April 18, 2001 - Pablo Goldberg (Merrill Lynch).

"Argentina: The Euro and the Convertibility Regime." April 17, 2001 - Andres Lederman (Salomon Smith Barney).

"Argentina: The Costs and Benefits of Changing US$ Convertibility to a Basket." April 17, 2001 - Martin Anidjar (J.P. Morgan)

"Argentina: A Currency Basket is Becoming a Reality." April 17, 2001 - Carlos Janada (Morgan Stanley Dean Witter).

"Argentina: The Risks of Cavallo's Currency Basket Proposal." April 16, 2001 - Leonardo Leiderman (Deutsche Bank).

"Emerging Markets Debt: Year in Review." January 2001 - Joyce Chang (Chase Securities).

"Emerging Markets Debt: Outlook for 2001." December 22, 2000 - Tulio Vera (Merrill Lynch).

"Emerging Markets External Strategy: The Year Ahead." December 8, 2000 - Jonathan Bayliss and Anna Titarchuk (Deutsche Bank).

"MSDW Emerging Markets 2001 Roadshow Poll." December 1, 2000 - Eric Fine (Morgan Stanley Dean Witter).

"Argentina: A Stress Test of the 'New International Financial Architecture'?" November 1, 2000 - Arturo Porzecanski (ABN Amro).

"Macroeconomic Outlook for Emerging Economies." November 2000 - Paulo Leme and Federico Kaune (Goldman Sachs).

"Emerging Markets Outlook (abridged)."October 4, 2000 - Jose Luis Daza (J.P. Morgan).

"Emerging Markets Debt Trends: Mid-Year Review and Outlook." July 21, 2000 - Joyce Chang (Chase Securities).