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KIV: Venezuela

“Venezuela: ICSID Contingent Liability Snapshot.”  May 25, 2016 – Casey Reckman and Alberto J. Rojas (Credit Suisse).

"Venezuela After Chavez." March 5, 2013 - Gustavo Arteta and Rafael DeLaFuente and (UBS).

"Venezuela: President Chavez Passed Away; Early Elections Within 30 Days." March 5, 2013 - Alberto Ramos (Goldman Sachs).

"Venezuela (VENZ): Not So Fast." January 26, 2012 - Richard Segal (Jefferies). 

“Venezuela Devalues.”  January 11, 2010 – Diego Sasson, Kasper Bartholdy and Alonso Cervera (Credit Suisse). 

"Venezuela: Should I Stay or Should I Go (from the IMF)?" May 10, 2007 - Pablo Goldberg, Jane Brauer, Anjali Prakash (Merrill Lynch). 

"Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Chile 2006 Themes." January 6, 2006 - Michael Gavin, Catherine Agnelli, Javier Kulesz, Victoria Werneck and David Treiger (UBS). 

“Venezuela Oil Warrant: Valuation Update.” January 24, 2005 - Igor Arsenin, Linan Liu, Paul Fage, Nikolleta Lekka and Ray Farris (CSFB).  

 "Venezuelan Oil-Indexed Payment Obligation Primer." January 20, 2005 - Frank Zheng (JP Morgan). 

"Venezuela: Crisis Resolved?" August 20, 2004 - Michael Gavin (UBS). 

"Democracy's Pains." (A Book Review of "In the Shadow of the Liberator: Hugo Chavez and the Transformation of Venezuela" by Richard Gott). February 3, 2003 - Naomi Daremblum (The New Republic).