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January 18, 2016
Standard & Poor’s Downgrades Poland’s Long-Term Foreign-Currency Sovereign Credit Rating  from A- to BBB+.

September 5, 2012
Redemption Notice for Poland's Par Bonds and RSTA Bonds.

April 14, 2009

Poland Becomes Second Country to Seek Access to IMF's Flexible Credit Line (FCL). 

March 29, 2007 

Standard & Poor's Upgrades Poland's Long-Term Foreign Currency Rating from BBB+ to A-.

January 18, 2007

Fitch Upgrades Poland's Foreign Currency Rating from BBB+ to A-. 

March 10, 2005 

EM Sovereign Bond Charts for El Salvador and Poland. 

February 11, 2005

EM Sovereign Bond Charts for Lithuania and Poland. 

April 2, 2004

EM Sovereign Bond Chart for Poland. 

February 10, 2004 

EM Sovereign Bond Documentation Charts for Philippines and Poland. 

September 30, 2003

Poland Redeems Remaining Debt Conversion Bonds on October 27. 

April 4, 2003

Poland Redeems Remaining PDI Bonds on April 28. 

October 8, 2002

Poland Redeems PDI Bonds on October 28. 

October 11, 2000

Poland Calls Discount and New Money Bonds. 


EMTA Clarification Statement No. 3: "Trading Polish Treasury Bonds and Treasury Bond Settlement Issues" (6/2/97) 

EMTA Clarification Statement No. 2: "Custodian/Brokerage Relationships and Mirror Brokerage Accounts" (4/97) 

EMTA Clarification Statement No. 1: "Letters of Authority/Powers of Attorney and Lack of Recognition of Nominee Accounts" (12/96) 

Comment Letter on the draft New Act on Public Trade in Securities prepared by EMTA and EMTA’s Polish Counsel, and filed with the Polish Securities Commission (9/12/96, English and Polish) 

Memorandum drafted by EMTA’s Polish Counsel, providing an overview of the draft new Act on Public Trade in Securities expected to replace the current Act on Trading in Securities and on Trust Funds of 1991 (8/9/96)