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March 8, 2013Fitch Upgrades Thailand’s Long-Term Foreign Currency Issuer Default Rating from BBB to BBB+.
April 16, 2009
Fitch Downgrades Thailand's Long-Term Foreign Currency Issuer Default Rating from BBB+ to BBB.
March 2, 2007
The Bank Of Thailand Issues Measures to Prevent Thai Baht Speculation.
December 19, 2006
The Bank of Thailand Imposes Reserve Requirements on Short-Term Capital Inflows.
The Bank of Thailand Regulation on Short Term Capital Inflows (in Thai).
March 29, 2004
EM Sovereign Bond Charts for Indonesia, Latvia, Philippines, Romania, Slovak Republic and Thailand.
October 15, 2003
The Central Bank of Thailand Imposes Further Capital Controls on the Thai Baht.
September 15, 2003
Effective September 12, 2003 The Bank of Thailand Imposes Capital Controls in Respect of the Thai Baht.