EMTA has upgraded its membership database and event registration. Members will need to reset their password. Click here to learn more.

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Since the early 1990's, EMTA has been the leading industry association for the Emerging Markets trading and investment community.  With over 175 Member firms worldwide, EMTA has worked successfully to promote the orderly development of fair, efficient and more transparent trading markets for Emerging Markets debt instruments, and to support the integration of emerging capital markets into the global marketplace.

Since its inception, EMTA has helped build a strong infrastructure to support the Emerging Markets trading industry, and has reduced risk, improved efficiency and reduced costs for industry participants through the adoption of numerous market practices, development of standard legal documentation and operation of multilateral netting facilities.  EMTA has also provided a forum for discussion of Emerging Markets issues among Emerging Markets participants and with the official sector, and has acted as an advocate for industry views on important trading and investment issues and as a reliable conduit of information to the marketplace.

With the securitization of EM debt markets, and general improvement in credit fundamentals in many Emerging Markets countries, has come an increasingly diversified investor base.  In response to the growing importance of investor issues in the Emerging Markets, Buy-Side representatives were added to EMTA’s Board of Directors and EMTA broadened its agenda to better meet the needs of the entire Emerging Markets trading and investment community.  In addition to EMTA’s traditional activities, EMTA’s many activities over the past several years have included promoting investor rights across all instrument categories and generally building, promoting and inspiring greater confidence in the EM asset class for the benefit of all market participants.  For more information about EMTA’s mission, see About EMTA, Mission and Origins.  

EMTA is a not-for-profit association based in New York, with a presence in London.  EMTA's Members include leading investment banks, commercial banks, merchant banks, investment management firms and other organizations with a strong interest in the Emerging Markets.  For a list of current EMTA Members, click here.

By pooling the resources of market participants, and reducing duplicative and conflicting efforts, EMTA is able to accomplish industry goals at significant cost savings for each Member firm. Through EMTA, the industry can undertake important projects, which either would not be undertaken by individual firms or would only be undertaken at individual firms in a less efficient way.

Significant EMTA projects and accomplishments over the past decade are listed in About EMTA, Significant Market Events and EMTA Projects.

Looking ahead, EMTA plans to continue improving market infrastructure and efficiency for the benefit of the Emerging Markets industry.  EMTA will also continue advocating industry-wide positions; providing timely information and market data through the EMTA website; holding regular meetings in New York and London featuring front-line insights on pertinent issues by important governmental and multilateral agency officials, top research analysts and investment managers; and forming Working Groups to address trading and investment issues. To best carry out these objectives, EMTA welcomes new perspectives and new Members from all geographic regions, and across all segments of the trading and investment community.  A list of current EMTA Membership Benefits is available by clicking here.

You are invited to review EMTA's website for more information about EMTA and to see how membership in the Association can benefit your institution.

If you would like to discuss EMTA membership with an EMTA staff member, please contact any of the following:

Jonathan R. Murno at (646) 676-4293 or jmurno@emta.org
Suzette Ortiz at (646) 676-4294 or sortiz@emta.org