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New Developments 2002

December 20, 2002

Amendments to Annex A Argentine Peso Settlement Rate Options; Adoption of revised EMTA Template Terms for ARS Non- Deliverable FX Transactions; Revision of EMTA ARS Industry Survey Methodology; and Adoption of a new EMTA ARS Indicative Survey Rate Methodology. 

December 17, 2002

EMTA, Other Trade Ass'ns Sharply Criticize IMF's SDRM Proposal and Offer Market-Based Alternative, in Comprehensive Paper Sent to G-7 Officials on December 6. 

Nigeria Exchange Offer: Citigroup Press Release, Nigeria Press Release, Amended Letter of Transmittal and Clarification on Nigeria Warrants. 

Calculations for Payments on Mexico VRR’s, Series A, Announced.

December 16, 2002

2003 Holiday Schedule. 

2003 Batch Settlement Schedule for Certain Class I Loan Assets. 

December 12, 2002

Brady Bond Holiday Schedule for Christmas, Boxing Day and New Year's Holidays. 

December 5, 2002

EMTA 2002 Annual Meeting Highlights: 

"Using Clauses to Reform the Process for Sovereign Debt Workouts:Progress and Next Steps." Prepared Remarks at the EMTA Annual Meeting Delivered by John B. Taylor, Under Secretary of Treasury for International Affairs. 

"EMTA Position Regarding the Quest for More Orderly Sovereign Work-Outs." 

"EMTA and the Emerging Markets in 2002/2003." Prepared Remarks at the EMTA Annual Meeting Delivered by Michael M. Chamberlin, EMTA Executive Director. 

Nigeria Exchange Offer Extended from December 6 to December 20. Bond Instructions Must be Submitted by 3:00 PM (London Time) on December 19; Letters of Transmittal Must be Submitted by 3:00 PM (London time) on December 20; and the Clearing Price for the Bonds will be Announced on December 23.  

December 3, 2002

EMTA's Fourth Quarter Bulletin is Now Available in our Bulletin Section.  

Primer on Brazil’s USD Par and Discount Bonds, Capitalization Bonds, Eligible Interest Bonds and Debt Conversion Bonds. 

December 2, 2002

Exchange of Argentine Provincial Bonds. 

November 21, 2002

Mexico VRR Record Date of December 16 and Payment Date of December 31 Expected. Trades are ‘Ex-Dividend’ on December 12. Calculations for Payments on the VRR's will be Announced by the Fiscal Agent Shortly.  

November 20, 2002

John B. Taylor, Under Secretary for International Affairs at the US Treasury, to Deliver Keynote Address at EMTA's Annual Meeting on Thursday, December 5, 2002. 

November 18, 2002

Emerging Markets Charity Benefit, Inc. (EMCB) Has Been Formed by EMTA and Market Professionals as a New Not-For-Profit Corporation to Plan and Hold the EM Industry's Annual Charity Benefit. EMCB Has Applied for Tax Exempt Status with the IRS.