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Positions Wanted

Disclaimer. Summary resumes and other content located in the Jobs Wanted area is provided to EMTA from time to time by individuals seeking employment in the EM trading and investment industry. EMTA does not review any posted information for content and does not assume any continuing responsibility for verifying or monitoring the accuracy of any such information. Further, EMTA has no responsibility for any contacts made or negotiations between employers and job applicants, and will not be liable to any person or entity or any loss or damage relating to this Employment area. EMTA reserves the right to remove any listings for any reason at any time and to change the Terms and Conditions of this Employment area at any time.

Analyst (Entry Level) - NYC (Flexible)

Analyst (Entry-Level) - Location (Flexible) 

Analyst Position - Location (Flexible)

Analyst/Portfolio Manager - Location (Flexible)

Asia Macro Research, Political & Country Risk - Singapore (Flexible)

Associate, DCM and ECM (location London)

Business Development/Relationship Management/Treasury Structuring & Sales - SP, Brazil (Flexible)

CFA - Emerging Markets Debt Trader/Junior Trader – NYC/London (Location flexible)

CIS/EM Chief Economist - Location (Flexible)

Debt Capital Markets Analyst/Associate - NY/CA/FL/Sao Paulo 

Economist/ Macro Research - London, New York, Hong Kong, Singapore, Dubai (Location Flexible)

Equity Research, Trader - New York (Flexible)

EM Corporate Credit / Special Sits  PM/Analyst - West Palm Beach (Location flexible).

EMD PM and Trader - London

Emerging Markets PM/Analyst - New York

Emerging Markets Portfolio Manager / Quant Research – Remote/Buenos Aires

Experienced LatAm Economist / Government Relations / Finance - Location (Flexible) 

Fixed Income Portfolio Manager - Europe (Flexible)

Investor Relations/Research/EM Sovereign Debt Analyst/Performance Management - USA

Junior Sales Trader - New York 

Latam Economist with 20 years’ experience in the region – DC location

Macro Research or Strategy - Location (Flexible)

Portfolio Manager - Buenos Aires

Research Economist (LatAm) - New York 

Senior Credit Risk Manager/EM - New York

Senior Credit Risk/Research Professional - Location (Flexible)  

Senior Financial Professional/Analyst and Researcher/Portfolio Manager - Argentina

Senior Reporter/Journalist of EM and Global Markets - New York 

Sovereign Debt Portfolio Manager - Europe

SVP/D, Desk Credit Analyst/Trader/Officer - Location (Frankfurt/Zurich/London/NYC).

VP, Debt Capital Markets, Portfolio Manager, Research - Mexico City (Flexible)

VP, EM Fixed Income Operations - New York 

VP, Fixed Income Trader, Portfolio Manager - Mexico City, USA, European Union